Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Visions Gather
Shapes take order
out of chaos
as darkness yields to dawn.
Words sound in the virgin snow .
Footprints lead to where
no body moves.
A ghostly promise
compels the artist to make images;
the poet to
make poems of them.

So often, there is a relationship between the imagery of art and of writing, especially when created by the same person. It is not unusual for writers to be inspired by art, and for artists to want to include words in their art work. There is a sometimes exciting process for a writer to cut out words and phrases from magazines and piece them together in a newly discovered collage poem!
To see a description of the process Ruth Zachary uses to develop an Abstract Collage, go to her blog post Feb 10, 2014, on Mixed Media Abstract Art.

Art work images and writing are the Copyright © of Ruth Zachary